12v DC high Torque geared motor ~60RPM - http://www.ebay.com/itm/12V-DC-60RPM-Powerful-High-Torque-Gear-Box-Motor-/331256938684?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4d2073c0bc
4ch Remote Control - http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-12v-4-Channel-Wireless-Remote-Control-Receiver-Momentary-Switch-/160957051029?pt=Home_Automation_Controls_Touchscreens&hash=item2579c9b095
1 Piece of 1'L x 2" x 1" Marine treated hard wood
2 L clamps from the hardware store 4" 90deg angle
2 4" bolts with wing nuts
Spider wire braided fishing line 40lb test
12v battery
Misc wire for connecting components
Happy Innovating! -J Marcantonio