This project came from my curiosity for alternate fuels. The peanut butter jar contains a 12 steel plate HHO generator that I made. I took a a small sheet of steel and cut into 12 rectangles. Then I used double sided tape to secure the rectangles together. I then connected every other plate to a positive and the opposite every other plate to a negative lead. Fill the jat with water mixed with baking soda to speed the reaction. The positive plates will produce oxygen while the negative plates with produce hydrogen. These gasses mix together to form HHO gas.The gas is then pumped under pressure through the tubing to the inflating needles that have been cut to make burners. Hook up 12v and tinker with the water level and PH of the water and you have a DIY HHO gas burner.
Happy Innovating -J Marcantonio
Happy Innovating -J Marcantonio